Lies of p switch
Lies of p switch

lies of p switch

Moreover, it would just be terribly embarrassing to have text messages from Fox hosts to the Trump White House read over Fox’s air.

lies of p switch

The GOP and Trump’s inner circle both insist the real issue is high gas prices and inflation. And another is that the line between GOP messaging and Fox programming is so thin it’s hard to figure out where one ends and the other begins. Another is that conceding that the January 6 committee is newsworthy runs against what Fox’s prime time hosts have been feeding to their viewers for more than a year. Another is that it doesn’t want to piss off its very pro-Trump core audience. But one theory is that Fox doesn’t want to piss off Trump. It’s difficult to tease them all out because they overlap so much. There are a lot of theories for why Fox has made this decision. Certainly, Bret thinks it’s worth his time. I have no inside information, but I’m pretty confident that’s not the judgment of many of the folks in the news division. In other words, the network just doesn’t want to put the hearings on instead of its normal prime time lineup because they’re not newsworthy enough to preempt non-news shows. Bret Baier, a serious journalist and a friend, will be anchoring coverage on Fox Business. On Wednesday, in response to Fox News’ decision to not cover the January 6 committee live, I ran through a whole bunch of reasons why they came to that journalistically indefensible decision.īut in fairness, Fox isn’t actually saying the hearings aren’t news. We’re going to have a lot of opportunities to return to the January 6 committee, so I’m going to hold off on a lot of the substance-and there was a good deal of substance in the first hearing-and just make two points about last night. (Photograph by Win McNamee/Getty Images.)ĭear Reader (Including those of you who needing more help with portion control of your newsletter consumption),

Lies of p switch